

SAS Société à Actions Simplifiées [Simplified Joint-Stock Company]
Registered office: SOPHIM parc de la Cassine, Avenue Pierre Gilles de Gennes 04310 Peyruis, France
Tel: +33492331717
Intracommunity VAT number: FR16338026248

Director of Publication: Mr Alexis Margnat
Hosting website: EOLAS
Hosting domain name : OVH
Design and production: |


Our website (hereinafter the Site) is accessible 7 days a week, 24 hours a day, subject to any interruptions required for technical maintenance, upkeep and updating operations that SOPHIM deems useful to carry out. By accessing the Site, you agree to abide by the terms and conditions of use as described below.


The general structure of our Site and all of the content disseminated on this Site (images, articles, photographs, logos, brands, videos, interviews, sounds, texts, etc.) are the exclusive property of the company SOPHIM, and are protected by the legislation in force in France concerning intellectual property, and in particular copyright, neighbouring rights, trademark law and image rights, and by international legislation in force.

All reproduction rights are reserved, including for photos, texts, downloadable documents, and iconographic representations. As such, in the absence of express authorisation from SOPHIM, it is strictly forbidden to reproduce, represent or alter, in whole or in part, the content of our Site, or to modify or adapt it in whole or in part.

The domain name is the exclusive property of SOPHIM.


The creation of hypertext links (simple or deep) to the Site is subject to the prior agreement of the SOPHIM Publishing Director. Hypertext links installed in other sites cannot invoke SOPHIM’s liability, SOPHIM having no control over the content of these sites.


SOPHIM informs you that it carries out processing of personal data that may concern you. SOPHIM guarantees that the collection and processing of personal data from the Site, and for which SOPHIM is responsible, is carried out in accordance with Law No 78-17 of 6 January 1978 relating to IT, files and freedoms, known as the ‘Data Protection Act’; and the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR – Regulation No 2016/679), and that personal information collected from the Site is kept in accordance with the rules prescribed by said legislation.

By personal data, SOPHIM means all information relating to a natural person identified or identifiable by one or more elements specific to them provided on the Site, in particular in order to contact us or to subscribe to our Newsletters.

The personal information thus provided on our Site enables the processing of your requests. Information marked with an asterisk is obligatory. Otherwise, your request cannot be processed, or its processing will be delayed. Personal data collected on our Site may be sent to the sales and administrative staff of SOPHIM, and where applicable, to our IT subcontractors. Your personal data is not transferred to non-member states of the European Union. It is kept for a maximum period of 24 months after your last contact.

You have the right to access, communicate, modify and rectify information concerning you, and collected during your visits to the Site. More specifically, you have the right to question SOPHIM in order to obtain confirmation that your personal data is or is not being processed, and for information relating to the purposes of the processing and to the categories of recipients to whom it is communicated.

However, SOPHIM has the possibility of refusing manifestly abusive requests, in particular by their number, or their repetitive or systematic nature.

To exercise these rights, simply send a letter to the following address:

SOPHIM parc de la Cassine,
Avenue Pierre Gilles de Gennes
04310 peyruis France

You have the right to oppose the processing by SOPHIM of personal data concerning you for legitimate reasons. We inform you that when you visit the Site, a cookie may be automatically installed on your browser.


SOPHIM undertakes to make its best efforts to ensure that users have access to the Site at all times. However, it cannot be held liable in the event that the Site is unavailable, for any reason whatsoever.

You acknowledge that you have the competence and means necessary to access and use the Site, and acknowledge that you have verified that the computer configuration used does not contain any viruses, and that it is in perfect working order. SOPHIM cannot guarantee the accuracy and completeness of the information disseminated on its Site, nor the permanence of its proper functioning or its total IT security. SOPHIM will do its utmost to offer available and verified information and tools to users, but cannot be held liable for errors, lack of availability of information, and/or the presence of viruses on its Site.

The information provided by SOPHIM is for information purposes only. SOPHIM cannot guarantee that the information disseminated on its Site is accurate, complete, and up to date. Each user acknowledges using the information and tools available on the Site under their sole responsibility.

French law is applicable to this Site.

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