
1. The COSMOS label, a must in cosmetics

The COSMOS Standard was born from the international collaboration between several actors committed to the promotion of more natural and environmentally friendly cosmetic products:

  • BDIH: a German association of companies in the health, cosmetics and wellness sector.
  • Cosmébio: a French association created by companies and laboratories to promote the development of organic cosmetics
  • Ecocert: a French certification, consultancy and training company, committed since its creation to the promotion of organic farming and eco-responsible practices 
  • ICEA : an Italian non-profit certification institute that defends and promotes respect for the environment and organic farming
  • Soil Association : a British association created by farmers opposed to the principles of intensive agriculture.

The COSMOS-standard AISBL is an independent, non-profit organisation based in Brussels and has become a key European player in promoting more natural and environmentally friendly cosmetics.

The two labels set up by COSMOS give visibility to brands and products that respect strict specifications:


2. The COSMOS certification process

Brands that comply with the COSMOS standard can obtain the certification by approaching an approved certification body. Several certification bodies can deliver the COSMOS NATURAL and COSMOS ORGANIC labels in France:

The certification can be given to a finished product or an ingredient intended for the elaboration of a cosmetic formulation.

The certification allows a logo to be affixed to the marketed products. The logo consists of the acronym of the certifying body, accompanied by the words COSMOS ORGANIC or COSMOS NATURAL.

ecocert cosmos

Consumers, who are increasingly well informed through the media, blogs and social networks, can thus recognise and authenticate items that meet their expectations and environmental commitments.

The list of certification bodies, as well as the documents describing the requirements of the COSMOS standard, are available on the organisation’s official website: 

3. COSMOS NATURAL label criteria

The COSMOS NATURAL label promotes environmentally friendly cosmetic products, whose formulation is essentially based on ingredients of natural origin:

  • No elements from the petrochemical industry (parabens, phenoxyethanol, synthetic perfumes and dyes), only a restrictive list of approved ingredients and preservatives is allowed, before guaranteeing the final quality and stability of the products;
  • No plant ingredients obtained from genetically modified organisms (GMOs) ;
  • Production and processing methods that respect human health and the environment;
  • Respect for biodiversity and responsible use of natural resources;
  • Adherence to the principles of green chemistry, with the use of products and processes that limit the use of dangerous substances at all stages;
  • Packaged in a recyclable container.

The COSMOS NATURAL certification recognises the natural character of a cosmetic product. However, it does not allow natural ingredients from organic farming to be promoted.

4. COSMOS ORGANIC label criteria

The COSMOS ORGANIC label guides consumers towards organic cosmetic products. The specifications stipulate that:

  • 95% of the plants in the formula are organically grown;
  • 20% organic ingredients are included in the formula (10% for rinse-off products).

Minerals and water are ingredients of natural origin, but they cannot be certified organic. This is because they are not derived from agricultural production. 

5. Natural and organic cosmetic ingredients with Sophim

Do you own or are you launching a line of natural or organic cosmetic products? Sophim is a manufacturer of cosmetic ingredients who offers a range of references, some of which are approved or certified COSMOS. Discover all our ingredients: squalane of vegetable origin, cosmetic oils and butters, alternatives to silicone obtained from olives, natural waxes… Design healthy and natural cosmetic products that meet the expectations of 21st century consumers!

You can get in touch with your usual contact person to discover our catalogue, contact our teams at (+33)4 92 33 17 17 or by sending us a message online.

Category: Cosmetics Expertise
