
1. Natural trend: ingredients of vegetable and organic origin

In our article on cosmetics looking ahead to 2025, we have already highlighted a strong expectation from consumers for healthier and more environmentally friendly products. Ingredients of natural origin are favored, and the most virtuous brands are attracting an increasing clientele. Cosmetic certifications such as Cosmos Natural and Cosmos Organic contribute to increased transparency and better visibility for certified brands.

Sophim has been embracing this sustainable trend for several years with a range of natural ingredients. Some references are certified Cosmos Natural and Cosmos Organic. Please request the list. Please request the list of our references certified Cosmos Natural and Cosmos Organic :

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2. Quiet beauty trend: cosmetic products that must prove their effectiveness

Consumers are wary of claims made by brands. Moreover, with the cost of living rising, they allocate their budget to products with demonstrated effectiveness.

Addressing this need for information is essential: the benefits of ingredients and cosmetic products must be proven by scientific studies, and the mechanisms of action must be explained.

A Mintel report published in October 2023 (2024 Beauty & Personal Care trends) highlights that 54% of consumers are seeking a better understanding of product effectiveness.

Simple promises are no longer sufficient! A deeper understanding of the effects of different ingredients allows each individual to become the protagonist of their beauty and wellness routine.

For several of our ingredients, we conduct comprehensive studies to determine their effectiveness and sensory attributes. We also communicate about the mechanisms at work to support brands in developing cosmetic products with proven beneficial effects.

This need for effectiveness should not come at the expense of preserving the skin barrier, quite the contrary. An emerging trend on social media, TikTok leading the way, emphasizes the importance of addressing the skin’s natural needs in cosmetics. Sophim addresses these concerns with Phytosqualan, rich in squalane, a derivative of squalene which is a natural component of human sebum and the hydrolipidic film that protects the skin. Vegeline, on the other hand, has a high moisturizing power and helps limit insensible water loss.

Discover Phytosqualan


3. Skin streaming trend: a simplified and faster beauty routine

Consumers lack time, and time-consuming beauty routines no longer meet current expectations. The proliferation of cosmetic products also raises concerns about health, with fears of degradation of the skin barrier.

Beauty routines typically involve three to four products, including a cleanser, serum, moisturizer, and, depending on the season, sunscreen. To address this dual trend of simplification and time optimization, brands are offering multifunctional products that combine multiple benefits.

Sophim aligns with this approach by offering versatile products:

  • Phytosqualan provides moisturizing properties, acts as a barrier protection, and enhances texture, sensory experience, and application quality with its unique dry touch.
  • Phytowax® offers the qualities of both an emollient and a texture agent.


4. Neuroglow: well-being at the heart of cosmetic approach

Cosmetics should be a source of well-being. This emerging trend has been strengthening for several years, particularly since the pandemic. Beauty products provide a sense of relaxation. According to Mintel, 61% of American consumers report experiencing very high levels of stress. 92% of Indonesians surveyed, on the other hand, assert that looking good boosts their confidence.

Beauty routines are becoming simpler and faster. But they must also represent a privileged moment of relaxation and well-being. Textures, colors, and scents should contribute to reducing stress. Sensory experience thus becomes key in consumers’ purchasing decisions. The values ​​carried by the cosmetic brand also contribute to a feeling of tranquility, with products that carry meaning and are committed.

Our cosmetic ingredients are presented in demonstration formulas that are committed to a quest for sensory experience and well-being:

    • Bliss, an oil with a non-greasy touch thanks to our Phytosqualan and Biophytosebum references;
    • My Softness Journey, a moisturizing stick with a fresh and silky touch formulated around Phytosqualan and Phytowax®;
    • PhytOlive®Fine Body, a gentle body scrub care.

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5. Nomadic trend: a more wandering approach to cosmetics

Consumers travel and seek a skincare routine that they can easily take with them. Cosmetics must respond to this emerging trend at different levels by offering formulations, textures, packaging formats, and application solutions suitable for users on the go. 

Long-distance travels raise particular issues, with cosmetic products that can, for example, support skin protection in situations of jet lag-related fatigue or sudden exposure to external aggressors (sun, cold, etc.).


6. Sustainability trend: a more socially responsible cosmetics industry

Environmental preservation represents a crucial issue for many consumers. This quest for meaning is also based on the choice of brands committed to environmental preservation. 

Sophim is committed to several levels in the service of greener and more responsible cosmetics:

    • Innovation focused on the development of plant-based cosmetic ingredients.
    • Improvement of production processes for a lighter environmental impact.
    • Upcycling, which valorizes a by-product from the olive oil extraction process.
    • A range of natural cosmetic ingredients, many of which are certified Cosmos Natural.
    • Obtaining the NATRUE label for Phytosqualan.
    • References from organic agriculture, certified Cosmos Organic.

Discover our commitments


New cosmetics trends with Sophim

Are you looking for cosmetic ingredients that integrate the trends of cosmetics in 2024 and meet the expectations of consumers? Sophim offers a range of natural cosmetic ingredients produced in Europe (France and Spain) in an eco-responsible and innovative approach. Discover references approved COSMOS NATURAL, COSMOS ORGANIC, NATRUE, and HALAL, developed for cosmetic brands resolutely focused on the new market needs!

Are you looking for a partner to develop your new cosmetic ranges? Contact our teams by phone at (+33)4 92 33 17 17, or send us a message online in our Contact section.